Find Your North Star...
Hello Hello,
Find your north star... ask what guides you? Gives you direction and lights the way? ✨✨✨
Our newest healing crystal grid coming soon (available online for preorder)! North star geometric base with cast north star center, blue sodalite, purple lepidolite and golden pyrite to sparkle like the twinkling night sky.
This newest grid design really got me thinking... How can we be the light in the sky? What emotional brightness and light in our lives allows us to find our way...
We all need constant illumination and guidance. Our last grid design was the sunburst and now we have added this symbolic star.
The north star is famous for standing still in the sky like a fixed point of light, while the entire northern sky moves around it. So much spins around us in life... what is our centering light, what shines within us while everything else may be dizzying us.
Also going north symbolizes moving up, going higher, ascending. All amazing symbolic analogies for our life's journey... We want to elevate ourselves and see the light at the end of the tunnel, or our north star rather.
In my life my emotional north star is my family... my anchor, my brightness my inspiration. The values instilled in me by my parents and shared by my husband and extended family and friends... keep me centered no matter what life seems to throw my way. All the pep talks, uplifting words, instilling of confidence and purpose kept me going.
What about a cloudy or stormy night, is the north star visible, but our faith and trust of knowing its still there anyway keeps us going... We weather storms, its cyclical, part of nature... What we can do is those moments is close our eyes and imagine it, meditate on it, manifest the light and direction.
One can say how do you continue to see the light after experiencing grief, trauma or hardship. I say those things propel me forward, I like to defy the odds, persevere, and ascend. Life is an uphill battle, we climb with dignity and hope. The north star symbolizes hope that you have found your way. Stay the course, follow your direction and magic will unfold.
Sending positive energy your way,
Our newest healing crystal grid coming soon (available online for preorder)! North star geometric base with cast north star center, blue sodalite, purple lepidolite and golden pyrite to sparkle like the twinkling night sky.
This newest grid design really got me thinking... How can we be the light in the sky? What emotional brightness and light in our lives allows us to find our way...
We all need constant illumination and guidance. Our last grid design was the sunburst and now we have added this symbolic star.
The north star is famous for standing still in the sky like a fixed point of light, while the entire northern sky moves around it. So much spins around us in life... what is our centering light, what shines within us while everything else may be dizzying us.
Also going north symbolizes moving up, going higher, ascending. All amazing symbolic analogies for our life's journey... We want to elevate ourselves and see the light at the end of the tunnel, or our north star rather.
In my life my emotional north star is my family... my anchor, my brightness my inspiration. The values instilled in me by my parents and shared by my husband and extended family and friends... keep me centered no matter what life seems to throw my way. All the pep talks, uplifting words, instilling of confidence and purpose kept me going.
What about a cloudy or stormy night, is the north star visible, but our faith and trust of knowing its still there anyway keeps us going... We weather storms, its cyclical, part of nature... What we can do is those moments is close our eyes and imagine it, meditate on it, manifest the light and direction.
One can say how do you continue to see the light after experiencing grief, trauma or hardship. I say those things propel me forward, I like to defy the odds, persevere, and ascend. Life is an uphill battle, we climb with dignity and hope. The north star symbolizes hope that you have found your way. Stay the course, follow your direction and magic will unfold.
Sending positive energy your way,

Last week was my birthday and the stars were aligned for celebration! The weather in New York was unseasonably warm and the foliage color palette was stunning! My dad found the perfect golden moon card to give me along with our scorpio zodiac ornament! We had many amazing meals out in New York to enjoy and support our favorite local restaurants who put so much love into each and every dish. The outdoor dining settings are so charming and made me feel like I was traveling abroad.

Showing a glimpse into our process... Every item is hand assembled and packed to go at our studio! This requires lots of patience, inspiration and attention to detail. Our brilliant sample makers are magicians putting everything together to keep up with demand!

Coming soon! Our packaging company is producing amazing magnetic closure gift boxes! We are counting down the days to get them in and start merchandising holiday gift sets. We will create groupings i.e. for the yoga lover... for the crystal lover... for the moon lover and make awesome assortments!

Posted on November 13 2020