
We founded a lifestyle brand that thrives on elevating the everyday experience and creating objects to be cherished as modern day heirlooms. Each handcrafted item is sentimental and gives you the opportunity to make your own story. The romantic collection is executed through a unique jewelry approach to design with products for you, your home, your table, your yoga practice and wellness journey.

Ariana Ost @ The Architectural Digest Show - NYC 2019

Ariana and her father, Jack
From Ariana's table:
The relationship that I have with my father is one of sensitivity, friendship and partnership. My dad and I work together building this lifestyle brand, the Ariana Ost studio is our home away from home and chance to create decorative objects to bring deep meaning into other lives. Our vision for the company is to infuse experience, thoughtfulness and quality into everything we create. I am grateful for the support and love that family business can create. Clients love coming into our studio to collaborate on projects and appreciate the insight and personal touch we offer. My father and I have lunch together everyday and discuss philosophy, emotions, business and dreams sometimes calmly and sometimes with dramatic debate.
Ariana loves working with her Father Jack and her Maltipoo dog named London at their dreamy Flatiron Studio in NYC. In addition to being a female entrepreneur, Ariana is also a wife to her husband Eric and mother to her precious daughter Aurelie, and charming son Julian.

Our atelier studio and metal bench