A New Moon 🌙
Hello Hello,
Yesterday February 10th was my mother Dafna's birthday, she would have been 67 years old. That day will always be special in my heart.
Today February 11th is a NEW MOON, how fitting for me the day after my moms b-day.
This new moon in Aquarius is known for forward thinking, out of the box ideas and taking innovated risks.
Yesterday February 10th was my mother Dafna's birthday, she would have been 67 years old. That day will always be special in my heart.
Today February 11th is a NEW MOON, how fitting for me the day after my moms b-day.
This new moon in Aquarius is known for forward thinking, out of the box ideas and taking innovated risks.
This is a wonderful time of intention and positive short-term goal setting. Write out intentions and affirmations so that you can keep them handy to reference back. Our Journals are the perfect tool for this task...
It is important to notice how you speak to yourself. Try to speak more kindly to yourself and others, as this is the energy that will be manifesting over the next cycle until the next full moon, what you give you get.
Cleanse your space! Use selenite crystal to ensure the removal of any old toxic thoughts and stuck energies! This is the time to clean your physical surroundings to feel lighter, worthy and renewed. The environments we spend our time in are so impactful to our lives, take care of them.
Photo credit for our moon garland to our beloved wholesale client Krystle Knight in Australia.
Sending positive energy your way,
Sending positive energy your way,

Crystals on crystals on crystals!
These handcrafted selenite bowls make for awesome crystal charging bowls. Like the moonlight selenite has the power to positively charge and cleanse your crystals energetically. Set intentions and marvel at the beauty. We offer each size of bowl paired with loose crystals. This image showcases me housing some of my personal crystal collection!
These handcrafted selenite bowls make for awesome crystal charging bowls. Like the moonlight selenite has the power to positively charge and cleanse your crystals energetically. Set intentions and marvel at the beauty. We offer each size of bowl paired with loose crystals. This image showcases me housing some of my personal crystal collection!

My weekend meditations at the beach at sunset recharge me for the week ahead. I am able to let go, feel grounded, dream and manifest. The colors, light relefctions, and sound reawaken my entire being. I am a water sign and crave the exposure, especially spending most of my time in the big city.

Posted on February 11 2021