How to create a positive recharge *

Hello Hello,
This weeks mantra has been gratitude... yes its an easy word to throw around. But how do you come to mean it? Truly embody it and feel it in your core? How do you recharge your internal positivity?
Observe your life as an outsider... what would someone else think you should be grateful for? How do others view you?
Another tactic that resonates with me is celebrating the little things, ie the small victories and moments of joy.
I am trying to implement a morning gratitude practice... maybe my mind starts racing with my to do lists, fears, the stories I tell myself. If I interrupt the auto mental loop; I think wow I am so lucky to have a bed, be able to get out of that bed, have a day to get to, live in an incredible space, have the freedom to work towards pursuing my dreams, have a family to care for +++
I have worked very hard to manifest the vision of my life and sometimes fear kicks in... Am I worthy ? Do I deserve this? What is going to give?
Things should be too good to be true, and when they are not and life gets hard just look at adversity as opportunity.
Power is only present in the present moment. We can only act now, think now, be now and do now.
Find gratitude and plug in to good thoughts, energy sources, community, nature whatever gives you that full charge to optimize yourself and your life. Find rituals to keep your energy fluid and in motion to let life keep progressing as it should.
I see magic all around me in the quiet moments and am able to clearly reflect.
Even in the back to school/grind fall routine which can be hectic and chaotic I discover the beauty of belonging, community, having purpose, creating an identity and tapping into endless opportunities. Hope and excitement makes it all worthwhile.
I would love to hear what you feel grateful for and tactics you use to recharge your mood and energy levels.
Sending Love and Light your way,

Psyched about this brand new large crystal grid color way! How could looking this beauty on your wall not make you feel an instant sense of calm?!?!?
Manifest Tranquility with this sea of ombre blue healing crystals- I was so inspired to keep looking at blue after summer time at the ocean to keep the flow all year long.
Blue Kyanite - stone for alignment, tranquility, dispels negativity and clears blockages, allows for clear communication.
Blue Apatite for clarity, balance and motivation, energy raising stone to build inner strength and creativity.
Blue Calcite - for calming effects, removes anxiety, encourages relaxation and stimulates intuition.
Manifest Tranquility with this sea of ombre blue healing crystals- I was so inspired to keep looking at blue after summer time at the ocean to keep the flow all year long.
Blue Kyanite - stone for alignment, tranquility, dispels negativity and clears blockages, allows for clear communication.
Blue Apatite for clarity, balance and motivation, energy raising stone to build inner strength and creativity.
Blue Calcite - for calming effects, removes anxiety, encourages relaxation and stimulates intuition.

Such a dream seeing our Sound Healing Kits up on Urban Outfitters and Uncommon Goods thanks for your unwavering support in our wellness work!
Use biosonics tuning forks to tune in to your potential and reset your nervous system through harmonious sound. Release the beautiful sound found from tapping a crystal with a tuning fork listen and absorb the calm... This kit is a great tool to mediate and reset yourself any time of day.
Use biosonics tuning forks to tune in to your potential and reset your nervous system through harmonious sound. Release the beautiful sound found from tapping a crystal with a tuning fork listen and absorb the calm... This kit is a great tool to mediate and reset yourself any time of day.

Posted on September 20 2019