The Human Touch To A Small Family Business...

Hello Hello,

Here is some color on who we are and what our story is...

We are a father-daughter business that was started by fate.

2006 changed our lives forever my mother Dafna Ost Haber was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer given a 6-month life sentence. We took the unimaginable doom and gloom and turned it into the sunshine. My mother lived 3 and a half years thriving and shining because of wellness, research, and hope.

2009 was a year of loss and grief learning that life is about support, community, and hospitality. If you do not experience darkness you cannot properly understand light. This time allowed me to become sensitive, empathetic and warm in dimensions that will never leave me.

2012 was the year I got married and started my own business two major new starts. Building takes vision and energy, this was a year of seeing ahead for a bright future. It took my dad an extra year to join the business leaving the other business he built for 30 years. He saw potential and he took a risk. He risked everything to support me in my journey because he knew nothing else matters but family and opportunity. We started Revello as a design service and evolved into starting the Ariana Ost brand officially in 2016. It was a year after I became a mother myself, but I knew I needed to create something more meaningful and impactful. I had life experience and design talent to share with the world to help the greater good. Building this brand has been the greatest learning experience of my life and I am so thankful to everyone who has supported us along the way.

The passion and meaning we imbue into our products is mostly done so by the human touch to design, creation, assembly, packaging, and shipping. Everything happens out of our dreamy atelier in the Flatiron district, our happy place. I feel we have reached a place of having a culture, a design identity, ethos, and vision for how we want to contribute to the world. Our mission is to elevate the everyday experience through design. Our jewelry approach paired with wellness values allows anesthetic to be associated with mindfulness, positive rituals and overall promote self-love.

Sending Love and Light your way,



Our sample makers are sisters from Ecuador... they have brilliant talent, impeccable workmanship, and can-do attitudes. Without them, none of this would be possible. Just imagine the energy the put into each and every design from start to finish.


I am also blessed to bring my beloved rambunctious pooch named London to our studio to bring laughs, fun and for his pushy demands to be met. We all need to eat, be seen, loved and cuddled right?


All about family first...

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