When you spend your birthday in Paris...

Hello Hello,
Just back from a week of bliss in my favorite city with my favorite people. Paris is a sensory delight, the sights, sounds, tastes, smells and overall feeling is sublime.
My husband planned a dream trip for me with our children and my father. I grew up going to Paris with my dad as a little girl and to have him be there with my children was surreal. The icing on the cake was my mom's cousin and her family flew to Paris from Israel to meet me for my birthday so it felt like my mom was there which made the experience feel extra special and complete. The last birthday my mother got to celebrate was 24 so this fulfilled me in a way too deep to even explain.
In Judaism numerology is extremely significant the word chai which means life has the numerical value of 18, when you multiply that you get 36 which is double chai. So for my 36th birthday - double chai - I celebrated with two extra generations my dad and my children. There were so many symbols of double life and me and my husband as a pair, two children and living two lives in my career and as a mother. It somehow feels like I am moving into the second phase of my life as an evolving soul on my wellness journey and search for inner peace and contentment. I savored every moment and felt gratitude the entire trip.
In her birthday toast my cousin Simone, a talented psychotherapist discussed our primal need as humans to bond, to seek connection. A baby's survival instinct is to bond with their parents and loved ones. This hit a nerve as nothing is more significant than the deep connections we have as humans. Family is the most fulfilling dimension of my life and makes every other pursuit worthwhile. We are programmed to share our lives, our time and our love.
Merci to you dear Paris for the creative inspiration and memories!
Sending Love and Light your way,

On the actual birthday November 6th we went to visit the
which has a mineral and crystal exhibit. Celebrating among high vibration healing crystals with my family in Paris - I mean what could be more special? The shine and sparkle was just beyond! The energy I felt around these stones was so invigorating. Here are some gemology highlights... I loved seeing rocks with the rocks in my life.

30 years later my daughter stands in the same spot in Paris as I did as a little girl. My dad found this photo of me after we took this one of Aurelie - crazy we are blocking the same tip of the tower by standing.

Posted on November 13 2019