Transform your energy and aura to truly shine...
Hello Hello,
On my mind this week is consciousness, the transformative power of healing rituals, and how you put yourself and your home together.
After two pregnancies, newborns and being a mom over the last few years I let updating my wardrobe slide, and definitely went more au naturale with less make up etc. Something has shifted now and I am ready to get back to myself, the girl who was European inspired, history obsessed and studied fashion.
I view this in two ways, one is how you look and put yourself together reflects whats going on inside. The other is if you just cover yourself up with tons of makeup and fancy clothes you are trying to hide behind something. I have explored so much within myself and want my energy and aura to come through. Looking cute doesn't ultimately matter it just adds a bounce in your step and can impact the way you carry yourself. Confidence has greater impacts than looks... maybe you will be in a better mood, make wiser decisions etc.
The same concept goes for your home environment, after losing my mom I went into survival and scarcity mode. Nothing matters... on one hand... everything matters on the other. I needed to make my own home and safe space and self mother... I then overcompensated and went on to create things in my vision. Learn to cook and make the most gourmet meals to comfort myself in missing my mom making dinner for me. Setting opulent tables to feel special and make just being alive a full on celebration. All of these were great lessons and I still embrace them.
I created my home with my husband and was planning for the future with family. My husband takes such pride in attention to detail, lack of clutter and mattering generally. If you are here you matter, if you can do things make them matter and do your best at everything. One of my greatest design achievements has been the dreamy details in our home, the place where we feel safe and create memories.
Therefore the pieces that I design matter... they can be a source of therapy for so many people.
My father sources every healing crystal stone from all over the world and handles our quality control. We view each shipment that goes out, every piece that gets hand made, as an opportunity to impact someone. Maybe this will be the wall hanging that witnesses someones life story. Maybe this crystal will inspire someone to set positive intentions. Maybe this journal will help someone manifest their vision. Maybe this baby mobile will bring whimsy and charm into a child's life. Maybe this sunburst grid will shine so brightly and illuminate someones home and elevate the frequency. Bottom line we care.
This all relates to consciousness... We can control our outcomes through the power of our thoughts. Do whatever it takes to make them more positive. I hope you can use our designs as visual meditations to transform your life. Go from fight or flight mode into a relaxed state... Go from scarcity to abundance. Go from fear and lack... into living in flow and feeling joy. Go from being reactive to being proactive. Don't just survive, find a way to truly thrive in every aspect of your existence.
We hope our joyful motifs live deep in your subconscious to help you bloom like a flower, shine bright and be a constant light like the moon and stars.
Sending positive energy your way,
On my mind this week is consciousness, the transformative power of healing rituals, and how you put yourself and your home together.
After two pregnancies, newborns and being a mom over the last few years I let updating my wardrobe slide, and definitely went more au naturale with less make up etc. Something has shifted now and I am ready to get back to myself, the girl who was European inspired, history obsessed and studied fashion.
I view this in two ways, one is how you look and put yourself together reflects whats going on inside. The other is if you just cover yourself up with tons of makeup and fancy clothes you are trying to hide behind something. I have explored so much within myself and want my energy and aura to come through. Looking cute doesn't ultimately matter it just adds a bounce in your step and can impact the way you carry yourself. Confidence has greater impacts than looks... maybe you will be in a better mood, make wiser decisions etc.
The same concept goes for your home environment, after losing my mom I went into survival and scarcity mode. Nothing matters... on one hand... everything matters on the other. I needed to make my own home and safe space and self mother... I then overcompensated and went on to create things in my vision. Learn to cook and make the most gourmet meals to comfort myself in missing my mom making dinner for me. Setting opulent tables to feel special and make just being alive a full on celebration. All of these were great lessons and I still embrace them.
I created my home with my husband and was planning for the future with family. My husband takes such pride in attention to detail, lack of clutter and mattering generally. If you are here you matter, if you can do things make them matter and do your best at everything. One of my greatest design achievements has been the dreamy details in our home, the place where we feel safe and create memories.
Therefore the pieces that I design matter... they can be a source of therapy for so many people.
My father sources every healing crystal stone from all over the world and handles our quality control. We view each shipment that goes out, every piece that gets hand made, as an opportunity to impact someone. Maybe this will be the wall hanging that witnesses someones life story. Maybe this crystal will inspire someone to set positive intentions. Maybe this journal will help someone manifest their vision. Maybe this baby mobile will bring whimsy and charm into a child's life. Maybe this sunburst grid will shine so brightly and illuminate someones home and elevate the frequency. Bottom line we care.
This all relates to consciousness... We can control our outcomes through the power of our thoughts. Do whatever it takes to make them more positive. I hope you can use our designs as visual meditations to transform your life. Go from fight or flight mode into a relaxed state... Go from scarcity to abundance. Go from fear and lack... into living in flow and feeling joy. Go from being reactive to being proactive. Don't just survive, find a way to truly thrive in every aspect of your existence.
We hope our joyful motifs live deep in your subconscious to help you bloom like a flower, shine bright and be a constant light like the moon and stars.
Sending positive energy your way,

Working with new crystals has been so much fun! Many new designs will be added online soon...
Aura Quartz - Quartz is a very powerful healing crystal that provides strength and positive energy. The aura coating is heat treated with vaporized gold to make the stone have an ab iridescent effect. The stones are so reflective with a rainbow like shine and add shimmer and magic to any environment. These stones are ethically sourced from Brazil. They help calm and heal our aura, and bring soothing energy allowing us to release negativity we have held onto.
Peacock Ore - This is a multicolored copper iron sulfide mineral ore similar in aesthetic to its beautiful namesake bird. It possesses scintillating and bedazzling colorful effects. It is known as the stone of happiness. It helps positively channel our internal energy by removing negativity. It helps encourage us to increase our perceptive abilities to align our thoughts and emotions in a calmer manner. It helps enhance creativity and vibrancy by uplifting our self esteem and assists is in using our inner voice. Use this stone to set positive intentions to bring more color into your own aura.
Aura Quartz - Quartz is a very powerful healing crystal that provides strength and positive energy. The aura coating is heat treated with vaporized gold to make the stone have an ab iridescent effect. The stones are so reflective with a rainbow like shine and add shimmer and magic to any environment. These stones are ethically sourced from Brazil. They help calm and heal our aura, and bring soothing energy allowing us to release negativity we have held onto.
Peacock Ore - This is a multicolored copper iron sulfide mineral ore similar in aesthetic to its beautiful namesake bird. It possesses scintillating and bedazzling colorful effects. It is known as the stone of happiness. It helps positively channel our internal energy by removing negativity. It helps encourage us to increase our perceptive abilities to align our thoughts and emotions in a calmer manner. It helps enhance creativity and vibrancy by uplifting our self esteem and assists is in using our inner voice. Use this stone to set positive intentions to bring more color into your own aura.

This string of instagram story feature images and captions made me so happy to see!
Sharing some snippets from dm's that came in see two strings below... I will keep them anonymous but they gave me permission to share their words here! I get so so so touched when people reach out and tell me how deeply the designs have impacted them and made positive changes in their lives. It makes me feel a deeper sense of purpose to continue creating and designing into healing rituals and decor to elevate the energy of your space. Hearing people's personal stories and getting to know our customers has deeply impacted me. I love communicating so feel free to reach out...
Thank you!!! You have made my house so happy and magical - I’m in constant awe of you and your talent! You are amazing and such a beautiful human inside and out! 💖 A couple of my closest girlfriends came over to visit yesterday and they were blown away by your stuff! BTW, all this good luck and positive energy started coming to me when I started hanging all your decor around my house and I don’t think that’s a coincidence, so thank you!!!
I have 4 of your exquisite pieces.
I plan on taking photos and writing a glowing review at of all my Ariana Ost pieces.
I am in the process of figuring out where to display so my family and I can enjoy them and be inspired, and surrounded in goodness & harmony.
I have my eye on the Chakra wall hanging next, which will go in my exercise/spiritual/mom cave (lol) for motivation and inspiration.
After 2 open heart surgeries (for an unexpected heart condition) I lost my way.
I am in the process of healing & blossoming once more.
This Bay Area mom is a huge fan of your gorgeous pieces, and am so inspired by them, because they are made with love.
Infinite Blessings
Sharing some snippets from dm's that came in see two strings below... I will keep them anonymous but they gave me permission to share their words here! I get so so so touched when people reach out and tell me how deeply the designs have impacted them and made positive changes in their lives. It makes me feel a deeper sense of purpose to continue creating and designing into healing rituals and decor to elevate the energy of your space. Hearing people's personal stories and getting to know our customers has deeply impacted me. I love communicating so feel free to reach out...
Thank you!!! You have made my house so happy and magical - I’m in constant awe of you and your talent! You are amazing and such a beautiful human inside and out! 💖 A couple of my closest girlfriends came over to visit yesterday and they were blown away by your stuff! BTW, all this good luck and positive energy started coming to me when I started hanging all your decor around my house and I don’t think that’s a coincidence, so thank you!!!
I have 4 of your exquisite pieces.
I plan on taking photos and writing a glowing review at of all my Ariana Ost pieces.
I am in the process of figuring out where to display so my family and I can enjoy them and be inspired, and surrounded in goodness & harmony.
I have my eye on the Chakra wall hanging next, which will go in my exercise/spiritual/mom cave (lol) for motivation and inspiration.
After 2 open heart surgeries (for an unexpected heart condition) I lost my way.
I am in the process of healing & blossoming once more.
This Bay Area mom is a huge fan of your gorgeous pieces, and am so inspired by them, because they are made with love.
Infinite Blessings

This healing crystal garland is shining all the way in Australia! Crystals are universal.

Make art its cathartic. Try to replicate the studio setting at home... the paint is washable! My daughter creating a galaxy scene with planets galore... I love how she captures movement and texture!

Posted on March 01 2021