The Softer Side of Fathers Day

The Softer Side of Fathers Day

In recognizing fathers day I would like to acknowledge the sensitivity to individual circumstances; whatever I am writing is based on personal experiences. 

I am very fortunate to have experienced nothing but positive relationships with the male figures in my life. I have been blessed with an incredible father, two grandfathers may they rest in peace, a wonderful husband who is a father, and a fantastic father in law. 

The media has been focusing on the uprise of female power. As strong and independent as I like to believe that I am, the men in my life have been the backbones to my success being sensitive and intuitive beyond measure. 

I grew up being daddy’s little girl, my father has only one daughter and wanted to expose me to the real world he experienced as a business owner. I was lucky to accompany him on trips around the world, learning firsthand how he does what he does. I was always treated with respect and given the confidence that I can do whatever I put my mind to and nothing was off limits to me as a woman. I come from a lineage of hard working men all with entrepreneurial spirits. As a female in this day and age I have the opportunity to create my own vision of a business and not be hindered by my gender.

The relationship that I have with my father is one of sensitivity, friendship and partnership. My dad and I work together building this lifestyle brand, the Ariana Ost studio is our home away from home and chance to create decorative objects to bring deep meaning into other lives. Our vision for the company is to infuse experience, thoughtfulness and quality into everything we create. I am grateful for the support and love that family business can create. Clients love coming into our studio to collaborate on projects and appreciate the insight and personal touch we offer. My father and I have lunch together everyday and discuss philosophy, emotions, business and dreams sometimes calmly and sometimes with dramatic debate. 

The relationship that I have with my husband is also one of respect, equality and new age partnership. My husband is always there to listen to me and push me to be the best version of myself. As a father he is affectionate, loving, warm, hands on and totally modern. The bond that he shares with our daughter and affinity he has for her is something I get to marvel at each and every day.

Ladies, take this time to acknowledge and appreciate the positive male relationships you have or manifest new ones into your life. The best is possible and the yin to the yang that male energy can bring to females is very grounding, balancing and invigorating. 

Happy Fathers Day everyone hope you all get the honor and celebrations you so deserve! 




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