My takeaway is constant shifting dynamics... nothing is stagnant, energy is always in motion. We need to observe ourselves with compassion and wonder how are we affected by our different cycles, the planets around us and the people around us.
My wellness rituals have gotten me through everything. I have many non-negotiable self-care practices to make me best self. I need to take care of myself emotionally, mentally and physically to be able to show up in every role in my life
Don't let yourself get phased by chaos around you, stay centered... If you do your own practice and take the time to tend to your thoughts then you can really face almost anything. We all have lots of obligations and responsibilities in many others eyes those struggles would be seen as welcome victories
As a brand we try to design into these personal and shared rituals to help you deepen your connection with yourself and your environment. When a crystal grid catches your gaze where do your thoughts go? Think of someone who can use a mental reframe and consider sharing our creations with them as a healing gift.
During this special season I especially love the reflections of light cast onto the water by the sun and the moon. I can gaze at the sparkles and fluid movement endlessly I find it so inspiring and meditative. We designed with water inspired stones that can make your home feel summery and beachy year round!
If you have a great relationship with your father or memory of your fatheryou may refer to your dad as your rock... This got me thinking about crystals!Fathers are known for being strong, stable, solid and grounding. Crystals have many of these inherent properties as well. We look to our rocks to inspire us, bring light and be there for us in times of need.
By complaining about everything or anything and criticizing others we lower our energetic vibration. Lead your life by example and hold your thoughts and actions to the higher bar.
We cannot live in a bubble but we need to create protective mechanisms within ourselves and our practice to allow us to resist toxic energy and not let it get absorbed in any way that can make us feel depleted.
Flowing with your life is following the natural sequence of events and embracing them. This is where the expertise of resilience and adaptability come into play.
It is such an honor the universe has blessed me with and I yearn to make my little ones proud seeing me build my business and help make the world a more beautiful place through healing design.
The creative energy of spring is so palpable... the days are longer, the colors are my favorite palette ever... Seeing pink and white flowers everywhere makes my heart sing...