to the fathers who anchor us... - Ariana Ost

to the fathers who anchor us...

A father is "a man who gives care and protection to someone or something" this dictionary description really resonated with me.

We tend to think of a father figure as someone who anchors us, whom we can count on. They are the rational grounding forces in our lives. A good father makes us feel safe, secure and protected. The hero among us through the power of their reliability. They appear to be invincible because they are, biologically their instincts program them to protect their kin.

The masculine energy in them wants to fix, solve and speak the truth. My husband Eric and father Jack are my toughest critics because they are my biggest fans, critiquing me honestly with positive intent. They don't go for the fuzzy maternal cheerleading strategy to motivate me. They know my potential and they don't tolerate excuses. This is their way to care for and protect me. They are driven and take no shortcuts seeking results. Sometimes I yearn for more sensitivity and empathy from them. I use my feminine energy to enable them to see me and hear me on a deeper soul level.

I feel blessed to celebrate: having had amazing grandfathers; have an incredible father myself; have my husband be the father of my children; and have a truly special father in law. My father is my best friend always by my side personally and professionally. It is so fun to see him as a grandfather now. My husband is such a loving and doting father to our beautiful children - watching their relationship blossom is such a treat.

Cheers to the dads out there we appreciate you and see all that you do to make the magic in our lives possible.

Sending Love and Light, Ariana Ost

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