Our circumstances, mindset and thoughts can get in our way and make us feel blocked. Try to connect to every color of yourself and reignite your own flame. Many things try to keep us small, a visual reminder like the sun reminds us to think big and be grateful. The sun gives us nourishment and inspiration, and consistency.
So much of the beauty that I have created comes from experiencing these deep losses and turning them into gains for many and myself. I feel proud to take adversity and channel it into design to help heal and preserve hope for humanity.
I have been humbled and overwhelmed with the amount of support in my life and how far I have come on my journey. London left me in great hands with my family, friends, community and business.
I just love the analogy of seeing through colored lenses and changing your perspective. You can recolor your life and balance your energy centers through visualization.
Emotions live so deeply inside of us, can get parked, lodged, buried or ignored. We all know that unresolved emotions can lead to instability, crisis and create trauma. Our emotions can activate our nervous system into fight or flight.
My takeaway is constant shifting dynamics... nothing is stagnant, energy is always in motion. We need to observe ourselves with compassion and wonder how are we affected by our different cycles, the planets around us and the people around us.
My wellness rituals have gotten me through everything. I have many non-negotiable self-care practices to make me best self. I need to take care of myself emotionally, mentally and physically to be able to show up in every role in my life
Don't let yourself get phased by chaos around you, stay centered... If you do your own practice and take the time to tend to your thoughts then you can really face almost anything. We all have lots of obligations and responsibilities in many others eyes those struggles would be seen as welcome victories
As a brand we try to design into these personal and shared rituals to help you deepen your connection with yourself and your environment. When a crystal grid catches your gaze where do your thoughts go? Think of someone who can use a mental reframe and consider sharing our creations with them as a healing gift.