Intentions Are The Precursors To Action Through Clear Vision- Happy New Year!

Hello Hello,

New Years Resolutions hold a lot of hype... the pessimist may say - they will never stick anyways so why try. But the optimist would say you won't know unless you try.

This past decade and most especially this year has been so rich in learning, loving, grieving, creating, birthing and becoming. I feel as is I have come into myself in ways I would have never been able to imagine possible. I have so many inspiring people and places to thank but I will credit myself for being open and receptive to step up into seizing what is around me. Meditating, envisioning and creating are my go to's, so my design work and the meaning behind it are deeply intertwined. 
I am coming off of an unbelievably introspective week at home detoxing physically, metaphysically, emotionally and mentally. When you let go, you make room for new opportunities, cleansing space for new magic and habits to enter your life are so important. I have been embracing feeling so whole along with such a deep sense of gratitude after a yoga class, meditation, spinning class, healthy meal or quality time connecting with loved ones. I am a proud vegetarian and stocking my home with plant based options is such a luxury. My mother's health journey and story left me with such a passion for holistic nutrition and wellness. Living in NYC in this era with such abundant resources around me making healthy options accessible is a dream. Times change move along with them... don't stay stuck... be fluid... lets flow healthily and happily into the next decade.  

Ref image below of me wearing a shirt saying...Eat more plants do more yoga... in updog with my beloved dog looking up ! Looking up makes you open your heart and be more receptive to all thats around you.

Do your best, feel your best and be your best!

Sending Love and Light your way,


For 2020 vision use your third eye to achieve clear vision. Our third eye is the point to tune into our intuition. Close your eyes and look inwards... Trust yourself and tap into the innate wisdom you hold. Our field of vision is limited but our inner vision knows no bounds! 


Still so proud of our intention journal the attention to detail comes from a place of love. Hope this serves as a beautiful and therapeutic tool to tell your story and script your own fairytale! 


Here comes the sun... these are our newest crystal grid bases to allow the energy of the crystals to travel out like lightwaves in your environment! We have just gotten our base castings back and will be wiring on the stones at our studio to shoot and add online! Hope they bring bright light to shine into the next decade +++

May you blossom and shine... a beautiful close up of our healing crystal grid ornament made with love and light!

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