How do we let our lives and energy just flow?
Hello Hello,
Our mission as a brand is to elevate the everyday experience. I want to delve deeper into that... every day should have moments that feel elevated, every experience should be impactful, through challenges we should find appreciation and meaning.
Flowing is finding fluidity in life...
Flow is a state of existence that feels natural, and positive.
My favorite analogy for hard moments is thinking of currents and waves in the ocean you have to flow with them and not against them. In facing the stages of grief we cannot flow until we reach acceptance. So the way in which we move energetically through every experience defines our outcome.
In every hard moment try to ask, what is this moment here to teach me? How can I grow? How can I become greater? How will I look back at myself and how I handled this moment?
The mental dialogue we have with ourselves can change our story and our lives.
All facets of life should be embraced, especially adversity which builds resilience...
Creating this lifestyle brand has been my greatest teacher in life... all of the challenges and all of the joys have taught me so much. I have learned to understand others and understand myself.
Designing pieces that bring people positive energy in their spaces, inspire people, and allow for deep introspection has been my greatest achievement. Utilising healing crystals, creating wellness motifs, and beautiful objects has been my calling... I listen to the universe to continue guiding me to flow into my purpose.
We will continue to evolve and thank you for following our reflective journey full of light.
I hope that everyone flows into summer and stays safe. Be cautious with all of the reopening. Follow your intuition to flow into the new normal.
Our mission as a brand is to elevate the everyday experience. I want to delve deeper into that... every day should have moments that feel elevated, every experience should be impactful, through challenges we should find appreciation and meaning.
Flowing is finding fluidity in life...
Flow is a state of existence that feels natural, and positive.
My favorite analogy for hard moments is thinking of currents and waves in the ocean you have to flow with them and not against them. In facing the stages of grief we cannot flow until we reach acceptance. So the way in which we move energetically through every experience defines our outcome.
In every hard moment try to ask, what is this moment here to teach me? How can I grow? How can I become greater? How will I look back at myself and how I handled this moment?
The mental dialogue we have with ourselves can change our story and our lives.
All facets of life should be embraced, especially adversity which builds resilience...
Creating this lifestyle brand has been my greatest teacher in life... all of the challenges and all of the joys have taught me so much. I have learned to understand others and understand myself.
Designing pieces that bring people positive energy in their spaces, inspire people, and allow for deep introspection has been my greatest achievement. Utilising healing crystals, creating wellness motifs, and beautiful objects has been my calling... I listen to the universe to continue guiding me to flow into my purpose.
We will continue to evolve and thank you for following our reflective journey full of light.
I hope that everyone flows into summer and stays safe. Be cautious with all of the reopening. Follow your intuition to flow into the new normal.
Sending love and gratitude for each and every one of you,

Sun shining on the trees as nature intended. So many colored crystals with dimension and texture on our sunburst crystal grid. Jewelry approach to home decor through a wellness lens!
Just a little selenite incense burner we dreamed up... ethically sourced selenite from morocco hand drilled at our studio to hold incense sticks. We provide a box of natural delicious smelling vanilla incense to clear the air and add healing vibes. Selenite shines so beautifully in the light.

Fathers day is coming up... our collection of mens necklaces are perfect to wear wellness close to your guys heart in style! Black tourmaline, and blue kyanite are available on our website... we just designed a selenite and green kyanite addition - please email in your order for these or order blue or black and write green
kyanite or selenite in order notes!

Posted on August 25 2020